Tuesday 9 February 2016

Work Diary - London Trip

Work Diary - London Trip

We travelled to London to see the Alec Soth exhibition at the science museum, I really enjoyed this trip as it gave me a chance to take more urban landscapes which I really enjoy, it also gave me the chance to take motion photographs. During the day whilst it was still light, I took photographs of some of the buildings around Trafalgar Square. As it got darker, taking photographs got harder because the shutter speed got slower, and I didn't bring a tripod which meant that my photos would end up out of focus because I wasn't able to keep the camera still. However I was able to get some motion photographs when it was dark, even though I couldn't keep the camera steady and the background was slightly shaky. I really like the photos that I got that evening because they show motion fantastically.

Next time I will aim to bring a tripod so that I can get better night photographs that aren't shaky and even better day photographs that I can use a slower shutter speed on to create a different effect, using a tripod would give me more opportunities to play around with the settings on the camera.

This is probably my best photograph because it shows a lot of motion, I think that the colours from the car lights are also quite warm, which contrasts to the cold looking blue that surrounds the lights. For this photograph I used a f stop of 16, a shutter speed of 1.3 seconds, and an iso 400

This is probably my worst photograph because it isn't in focus and I think that it looks messy because of this, although there is a difference in how focused the background and foreground is, I don't think this looks as good as any of my others.

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