Tuesday 19 January 2016

Analysis post - Fourth Plinth

Analysis Post - Cedric Delsaux

This is a  picture taken by Cedric Delsaux for his 'Dark Lens' collection, for this collection, Cedric took photographs in central Paris and then put Star Wars characters in the photographs, the photos are hyper-realistic and they are also and example of the fourth plinth. The star wars characters aren't meant to be in central Paris, although personally I think that the photo looks really good, I like how dark this photo is and that you can only see the silhouette of Darth Vader. The placement doesn't look like somewhere that you would find a Star Wars character and I think that makes the photo even better.

This is another photo by Cedric Delsaux, personally I really like this photo, although I don't usually like the idea of the fourth plinth. I think this was done really well and I think that the colours go together really well. I can tell that Delsaux has really thought about this. The bright whites and greys all go together really well with the odd little black bits on the stormtroopers. Although we can tell that this photo is of a road under a bridge, I think that the stormtroopers being there almost tricks me into thinking that it is part of the Star Wars set.

This is a photo of AT-AT by Cedric Delsaux, I like how subtle but obvious it is, when you first look at the photo you might just mistake the object for dark smoke, however when properly looking at it, it is quite obvious that it is AT-AT. This photo was taken in Dubai, which obviously isn't where Star Wars is set. The fact that there isn't any other characters in the photo as well is good, it makes the photo more subtle.

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